“As the yeast in Today’s Human Family”, Fr. Gregory Bicomong, SDB Provincial led the whole family to a beautiful reflection of how we could be silent yeast making a difference in the reality where PNG is. He alarmed us with the global survey that PNG is the 2nd country with the highest Crime rates (April 26,2023) and he added that in the top 9 countries with highest crime rates, Don Bosco is present in the 6 countries. Nevertheless, we could still be empowered by God’s word and be strongly reminded by the Catholic Social Teaching that gives us the framework for loving our neighbors as ourselves.
Another enriching part was when the big family was divided into 5 groups in which every group had an SDB, FMA, Caritas Sisters, MSMHC, aspirants, ADMA & Past Pupils. Each shared his/her reflection on how they could be the yeast in the family, community and in the mission.
After morning tea, back to the session, Fr. Shoji dwelt mainly on this year’s Salesian Mission Day Theme “Care of creation, Our mission” and showed powerful video produced by the Sector for Salesian Missions. Reminding all of us with Pope Francis’ words, “Every Christian is a missionary.” he stressed “Mission is not an option for us”, for Jesus himself said from the last part of gospel of Matthew, “Go into all the world and proclaim the Good news to the whole creation.” Thus, the call to mission entails to train our eyes to see the needs of those around us, to see those who are farther away…to have a missionary heart. As creation is the gospel, God calls us to guard creation.
Fr. Shoji directed all to go for the last group sharing and this time with their respective communities to plan concrete actions that they could manifest care for creation. Interestingly, the representative of each group of the Salesian family shared what they started doing on Laudato Si and something they are just to embark on.
On the last note of appeal, he asked the members of the Salesian Family to promote and foster vocation especially among those good young people and introduce them to the Sisters (FMA, Caritas or MSMHC) and the SDB.
We hope that with the 8 SDB, 9 Aspirants, 6 FMA, 6 Caritas with 7 aspirants, 9 ADMA, 3 Past Pupils, 3 MSMHC, 3 Lay Mission Partners and 1 FMA German Volunteer, together we may heed Fr. Greg’s encouragement, “Do good things silently like the yeast. Remember, it is small, but it influences, it may be slow but it grows, silent but it is effective. To be a yeast means to do small action with Love, Patience, and Persuasion.”
Fr. Pedro Sachitula closed the assembly with the prayer of Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus as the Feast is fast approaching and to ask Him who is the source of all genuine LOVE, to bring the Salesian Family to being ONE AT HEART IN THE MISSION TO CARE for humanity and give its humaneness.