Renewal of Religious Vows in PNG

Kumgi, PNG, 13 May 2018 -- On Sunday the Feast of The Ascension of the Lord, Cl (=practical trainee, candidate to the priesthood) Bernard Kaiau SDB renewed his vows for three years in the Society of Salesians of St. Don Bosco at Don Bosco Shrine, Simbu Province - PNG. It was a well organised program. The Eucharistic celebration presided over by Rev. Fr. Robinson Parappilly and liturgy was sponsored by ‘his’ beloved hostel students. Being a national Salesian, Cl. Bernard became witness to the faith of his young peers. It was both inspirational and motivational for young people of Papua New Guinea.

Don Bosco

Don Bosco was creative, enthusiastic and enterprising in his work. He wrote and edited booklets, school texts, histories, digests, magazines, fliers, plays. From his earliest years as a priest, Don Bosco communicated through his whole demeanour and person, through games, talking, visiting, preaching, and publishing. Communicating through the internet and publishing is a priority for Salesians. Inspired by this example of Don Bosco and the early Salesians, Social Communication continues an important priority.