Salesian Family Retreat 2019

Fr. Joe Boenzi SDB, director of Institute of Salesian Studies at Berkeley, USA, preached the Salesian Family retreat at Emmaus Retreat and Conference Centre, Boroko East last June 30 to July 6. This was followed by the Salesian Rectors’ retreat on July 7-13. In his talks Fr. Boenzi helped everyone drink from the spiritual spring ofDon Bosco and St. Francis de Sales.

Don Bosco

Don Bosco was creative, enthusiastic and enterprising in his work. He wrote and edited booklets, school texts, histories, digests, magazines, fliers, plays. From his earliest years as a priest, Don Bosco communicated through his whole demeanour and person, through games, talking, visiting, preaching, and publishing. Communicating through the internet and publishing is a priority for Salesians. Inspired by this example of Don Bosco and the early Salesians, Social Communication continues an important priority.